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Re: SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)
« Réponse #435, le 23 Novembre 2008 à 03:28 »
Dernière annonce en date, révélée par Variety.com : King of Fighters, la meilleure série de baston 2D de toute l'histoire de l'humanité (Street Fighter ? Nah.) aura droit à son adaptation cinéma avec des vrais, euh... acteurs.
Le réalisateur hongkongais Gordon Chan (Fist of Legend, Fight back to School, 2000 AD, A-1), devrait être aux commandes d'une adaptation cinéma en langue anglaise du jeu vidéo King of Fighters. Le film sortira en Asie au premier trimestre 2008.
Le concept des King of Fighters est détenu par le groupe SNK Playmore qui a sorti 30 jeux depuis que cette franchise a été lancée il y a 14 ans. Le scénario du film a été confié au scénariste de Fearless, Chris Chow.
La production de ce film sera assurée par Joseph Chou de Axis Entertainment (qui produit actuellement Appleseed : Ex Machina) et Tim Wok de Convergence Entertainment. Sumiji Miyake et Yasuhiko Kinoshita de Micott-Basara, et Gary Hamilton de Arclight en seront les producteurs exécutifs.
Source : VARIETY
The Sun (Hong Kong newspaper) has reported that the King of Fighters film has just began shooting on location in Canada. Gordon Chan is reportedly directing, Maggie Q, Chris Evans, and Bernice Liu (unless you watch Cantonese TV, you probably haven't heard of her either) are in the cast. It is unknown which roles the actors have been cast as.
source 1
source 2
The only solid information about this comes multiple translations from the same article in a Chinese newspaper, so what you just read is going on second hand information. My sluthing skills have failed to debunk any of it, as all the principles named seemed to have vanished from doing anything else in the world, hmmm (ergo, they're all busy). Gordon Chan was lined up to do this film before he made Painted Skin, which turned out to be the highest grossing Chinese film of this year, so he very well could have translated that horsepower towards getting the KOF flick back on track. So I'm inclined to believe the story, even though its weird as hell for the first information about a film to be leaked in a sidebar story about a small-time actress breaking into Hollywood.
Anyways, if you needed refreshers on the people named, we have Gordon Chan as the director, who's been a consistent presence in Hong Kong movies for years, but has never really been considered much of an auteur. But hey, he directed Fist of Legend, so he's got skills. And the so far announced cast would be...
Ben, maigre, un peu moins maigre maintenant non ^^; ?
Ca en fait quand même 5 de plus d'un coup, et il reste encore 5 mois avant la sortie donc ils ont encore le temps d'en annoncer d'autres.
Je crois qu'on était à 12 ou 15 je crois ? Donc ça nous ammène entre 17 et 22, un truc du genre.
S'ils en rajoutent encore au moins une série de 5 d'ici la sortie en Avril, ça fera quand même entre 22 et 27 persos, ce qui est correct pour un jeu de baston je trouve (les "remakes" en ont plus, style le 98 ou le futur 2002 mais il ne faut pas oublier que ce ne sont justement que des remakes, ce n'est pas vraiment comparable je pense niveau production du jeu).
Pas d'accord! Ils avaient prevu 20 persos des le depart, on les a atteint la. A priori, personne ne viendra grossir le casting, sauf si l'absence d'Elizabeth est la pour rappeler l'existence d'une derniere brouettee de combattants.
Et meme s'ils atteignent 25 personnages, cela restera bien maigre compare a ce que l'on a eu avant. Par contre, face a un HnK ou un GGXX, cela reste le grand luxe.
Pareil que Tinou, l'absence de K' et compagnie, meme si je ne suis pas fan, reste incomprehensible (ah si, les delais a boucler peut-etre). Je suis plus que circonspect malgre tout.
NB : Duo-Lon etait la dans le XI, hein! Il est dans l'equipe Elizabeth/Benimaru.
D'après le gars qui s'est entretenu avec les producteurs, ce KoF ne serait qu'un "brouillon on se tate à la Next Gen", pas de storyline, pas de vraies équipes, pas de gonzesses (je veux dire, hors gamine potelée et Leona et tafioles), tout ça, ce sera pour le... XIII.
même dans le XIII on risque de ce trainer ces sprites mochissimes au possible.
Kyô's 182 is like in 99. Kamukura is a 1 frame throw. Hikigane is like in 99 ?
Benimaru has is followup move that was abandoned in 96, and the raijin shoot.
Daimon's Max2 is now 63214×2 +BD
Jump CD deals wire damage when counter hit.
Terry has quick burn, power charge, hammer punch, power drive
Joe's Ôgon animation has changed, slash kick wires when counter hit.
Yuri has a new voice, and a new move where she screams "Slaaash!" (the one in the video)
Leona has Grateful Dead.
Ralf's far C is faster, MAX2 is Umanori Galactica. When the opponent is in the air, follow-up with 236*2 PP and the Galactica goes off. It's an instant-kill if you hit on the right frame
Clark has the Gatling from 99. The MAX2 is a 1 frame throw.
Vanessa's crouching C is uncancellable. Uppercut, Machinegun are slower.
Seth has his 4 air moves back, and some 2000 combos (like close 1hit>6B>6A>super)
Athena has the Psycho Shoot
Choi's MAX2 attacks 4 times, and has him taunt after it.
Mai has the midare kachôôgi.
King's MAX2 is a rambu. The surprise Rose is a super.
Kasumi is helped by Unknown in her MAX2.
K' has a new voice. Ein=>black out is back.
Maxima has a new MAX2 and an upper-angle vapor cannon.
Iori seems unchanged.
Vice's Overkill is now a super, and she has a new MAX2.
Takuma's kôôken and Haô-- have new effects.
Heidern has a new voice. He seems like in 2001, except with classic "hold" moves instead of command. MAX2 is 236×2AC, makes him shoot some sort of projectiles.
Chin seems unchanged.
Billy's crouching C is slower, and forwardB downs.
Yashiro has the Missile Might Bach.
Shermie can close C→6B→command throw.
Chris gains more gauge and deals more damage. Better MAX2, as seen in video.
Xianfei's MAX2 : jump on the other line, then seems to rush like a homing missile.
Mei Lee : voices seems different. 神獣脚 is like in 01.
Foxy has a new super. MAX2 is the Mitsubachi.
Kula's La Cachola is a normal super.
Angel's infinite has been neutered. The Royality is slower? She seems overall much slower.
Kyô1's MAX2 looks like MI Kyô's Shin'i.
Kyô2 has a super lke what Kirishima was doing in 99EVO. MAX2 makes him grab=>pillar of flame, like Enja.
Kusanagi's MAX2 finish is Kirishima.
Lin looks like 2000.
Shingo's MAX2 is a Oreshiki Kamukura ? Grabs, hits a few times, checks in his note while the opponent is dizzy, then "Pikaaan!" and finishes.
Nameless (K9999)
Almost all D moves seem new, but the slide remains. The close D is still an overhead. New useful 6B : JC>closeC>6B>6A
All special beside Kudakero! have new animations and effects. Generally seems much stronger. Faster jump that allows much better followups to JC.
When I say "new voice", it just means it has been re-recorded, not that it's a new VA.
You can MAX2 and MAX super without charging by using 3 gauges instead of 2.
While in MAX mode, the "hold" motions can all be done without holding.
thx Shishio from neo-arcadia forum