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Topic: Sony, moutons, Nintendo, chiens et boites X, c'est la guerre ! (Read 245100 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1785
Il faut le nier, c'est connu du monde entier les japonais ont des gouts de chiottes, et Tinou nous le prouve une nouvelle fois avec cette énieme photos sur le bon gouts des nipp(bb)ons.

Avec les fringues, la coiffure, l'art de vivre voilà l'explosion du mauvais gouts :o.

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You're pretty when i'm drunk.

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1786

mdr !  :mdr:

Mais quel bandes de naze, hein tinou qu'ils sont naze? Hein! Hein!
Une borne avec VF5 auquel personne ne s'intéresse, et un pov' type qui joue tout seul sur Ace Combat 6. Il a quand même la classe ce type je trouves.  :classe:

Je trouve personnellement qu'il est trop glorieux!  :classe:

N'empeche que Ace Combat est assez connu et apprecie ici (impressions personnelles, rapport au nombre de magazines specialises ou dont il fait ou faisait la couverture)... Et c'est aussi un des jeux a avoir ete (je crois mais chu pas sur) "transvase" au niveau de l'exclusivite, de la PS3 a la Xbox360 (enfin, de Sony a Microsoft quoi). La fan hardcore de la licence peut etre tente de s'acheter une Xbox 360 rien que pour ce jeu...

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"Honey badger don't care"

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1787

Normal qu'il n'y en est pas, 4 CD pour une PlayStation, c'est trop lui demander!  :peur:

C'est surement pour ça que je suis passé par un emu PC pour FFIX (4cds)... quoique le 8 aussi en avait 4.  :P
Stupid snake ! You won't be having Jesus Christ Lizard today, will you ? Shame on you ! :o

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1789
Vu sur NeoGAF :

Les fanboys Microsoft déroulent le kleenex en ce moment. Les versions Japonaise et Asian de Lost Odyssey ressemblent à ça :

Mais aux US... On économise au max :

Laissez-moi deviner... En europe on aura droit à l'édition collector du siècle avec des illu original de Takehiko Inoue pour chaque exemplaires !!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

:ptdr: :ptdr: :ptdr:
Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution.
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Working Men of All Countries, Unite!
-Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)-

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1790
La loose en plein GDC :

Stupid snake ! You won't be having Jesus Christ Lizard today, will you ? Shame on you ! :o

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1791
Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution.
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Working Men of All Countries, Unite!
-Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)-

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1792
Classe  :mdr2:
This is ma jolie signature

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1793
Le plus pourrit des 3 services en ligne qui devient payant. Nan 'scuzay mais...
Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution.
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Working Men of All Countries, Unite!
-Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)-

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1794
Quand meme, on peut pas dire qu'ils ne font pas d'efforts chez Microsoft.

Photo prise cette apres-midi sur l'artere principale de Akihabara :

(photo prise avec mon tel, scusez la pauvre qualite)
: Samedi 23 Février 2008, 16:27:26
Les news de la semaine jeux videos (rigolez pas, ca fait partie de mon travail  :shifty: )

Vu sur Tech-On! :

PS3 to Exceed Wii in 2011, Firm Says
Feb 18, 2008 18:29
Mami Akasaka, Tech-On!

Research company iSuppli Corp of the US has announced its forecasts on the global market for home game consoles through 2011.

Microsoft Corp's "Xbox 360," which was launched earlier than the other consoles, will maintain the top position in annual unit sales until 2007, but Nintendo Co Ltd's "Wii" will take that position from 2008, iSuppli said. Furthermore, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc's (SCE) "PlayStation 3 (PS3)" will outperform the Wii in 2011, the company says.

iSuppli predicted global sales of the Wii will grow 30.2% year-on-year (YoY) to slightly more than the Xbox's sales of 25.7 million units in 2008.

"Nintendo's strategy of targeting low-priced hardware and easy-to-play software at non-gamers rather than gamers has been successful," iSuppli's analyst Pam Tufegdzic said.

Annual unit sales of the Wii are expected to rise at an average rate of 20.3% from 2007 to 2011 to 37.7 million units in 2011, she said.

iSuppli feels, however, that the PS3 will grow faster than the Wii, supported by core game fans. The company predicted PS3 sales will soar by an average of 39% every year from 2007 to 2011 to 38.4 million units in 2011. The PS3, Wii and Xbox will account for 35.4, 34.8 and 29.8%, respectively, of global sales in 2011, iSuppli said.

L'arcade revient en force, meme dans les news du tres serieux Nikkei 21 :

Game Developers Beef Up Arcade Ops To Fight Drop-Off In Visits

TOKYO (Nikkei)--Game equipment manufacturers are revamping their arcade-use machines, rolling out new models that appeal to consumers and are easier for arcade employees to manage in order to halt a downtrend in visitors and help bolster arcade profitability.

Console game developer Square Enix Co. (9684) is moving into arcade game software through a partnership with group member Taito Corp. It has unveiled a card game system that can be networked for nationwide competitions and is using the illustrator of the "Final Fantasy" home game software to help attract fans.

Capcom Co. (9697) has unveiled "Street Fighter IV," which enables players to compete against one another inside arcades. It aims to introduce the fighting game within the year. Fighting games have seen a decline in players of late, but Capcom aims to revive the brand to draw back old fans.

Companies are also introducing new prize game equipment that imposes less of a burden on the arcade and draws more players.

Namco Bandai Games Inc. has announced a new model with an improved display of candy and other prizes. The prizes are placed in a transparent display box and are dispensed when a weight is pulled. The design is intended to make for an attractive display even with only a few prize choices and to reduce the time needed for store personnel to load the prizes.

Sega Corp.'s "UFO Catcher 8" crane game has a design with acrylic panels that can be freely modified to accommodate prizes of various sizes. Store employees can make internal adjustments without opening up the cabinet by approaching it with a special smart tag.

Atlus Co. (7866) has unveiled "Triple Catcher Ice," a prize game in which players fish for ice cream. The inside can be chilled to minus 25 C, and high-grade ice cream that readily melts is used.

(The Nikkei Business Daily Wednesday edition)

Taito To Open Arcade Franchise, Offer Mgt Expertise

TOKYO (Nikkei)--Taito Corp. will launch a franchise chain of video game arcades, a rare move for facilities usually run directly by game software developers and other entertainment companies.

The Square Enix Co. (9684) group unit has been achieving growth despite an unfavorable business climate and will provide franchisees with operation know-how.

Specifically, Taito will provide guidance on facility layout and game machine selection, soliciting franchise participation mainly by owners of land and buildings near train stations. Taito will generate income by charging advisory fees and selling the games themselves.

"Video game arcades in prime locations are more lucrative than restaurants, and investment can be recovered in just a year or two for well-performing arcades," President Yoichi Wada says.

Arcades are in a general slump as they lose customers to home-use consoles and mobile handsets with entertainment functions. In addition, high gasoline prices are discouraging visitors from making frequent trips to arcades accessible only by car. But having shut down money-losing locations and reduced its work force, Taito has been improving its earnings.

(The Nikkei Wednesday morning edition)

"Honey badger don't care"

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1795

Au suivant!  :mdr:
Posted on: Monday 25 February 2008, 12:16:43
Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution.
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Working Men of All Countries, Unite!
-Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)-

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1796
Bilan 2007 : Nintendo LARGE vainqueur au Japon :
Nintendo Wii outsells PS3 4-to-1 in Japan

TOKYO (Reuters) - Nintendo Co Ltd's (7974.OS) Wii game console outsold Sony Corp's (6758.T) PlayStation 3 nearly 4-to-1 in Japan in February as Wii software titles dominated the best seller list, a game magazine publisher said.

Nintendo sold 331,627 units of the Wii in the four weeks to February 24, compared with 89,131 units of the PS3, Enterbrain said on Thursday.

The Wii's lead on the PS3 appears to be widening: In January, Nintendo's game console outsold Sony's by almost 3-to-1.

Nintendo's own "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" for the Wii became the best-selling software for the month in Japan, with 1.33 million units sold, followed by the "Wii Fit" home fitness game, which sold 309,311 units in the four weeks, Enterbrain said.

The Wii has been leading the three-way game console battle with the PS3 and Microsoft Corp's (MSFT.O) Xbox 360 as its strategy of offering easy-to-play and innovative games to expand the overall game population has proved a big success.

Microsoft, whose videogame business is struggling in Japan, home to both Sony and Nintendo, sold 14,079 Xbox 360 units.

Shares of Nintendo closed down 1.4 percent at 56,300 yen, while Sony fell 1.9 percent to 5,220 yen, underperforming the Nikkei average (.N225), which was down 0.8 percent.

J'ai aussi lu des analyses predisant que la PS3 ne rattraperait la Wii qu'en 2011...

Sinon niveaux jeux, c'est encore plus frappant (essayez de trouver le premier jeu PS3 dans le lot!):

Top 100   2007 - jeux vendus au Japon

1. Wii Sports – Wii – 1.911.520 – (2.464.734) 
2. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd – PSP – 1.489.898 
3. Wii Play – Wii – 1.487.484 – (1.990.669) 
4. Pokémon Donjon Mystère (cumulées) – DS – 1.256.516 
5. Mario Party DS – DS – 1.232.644 
6. New Super Mario Bros. – DS – 1.176.939 – (4.995.153) 
7. Pokémon Diamant/Perle – DS – 1.094.389 – (5.397.204) 
8. Mario Party 8 – Wii – 1.053.934 
9. Dragon Quest IV – DS – 1.052.827 
10. Entraînement Cérébral Avancée du Dr. Kawashima - DS – 1.033.933 – (4.782.571)
11. Mario Kart DS – DS – 910.771 – (2.695.428) 
12. Yoshi’s Island DS – DS – 896.814 
13. Animal Crossing Wild World – DS - 858.501 – (4.513.522) 
14. The Legend of Zelda : Phantom Hourglass – DS – 839.396 
15. Dragon Quest Monsters J – DS – 825.065 
16. Wii Fit – Wii – 818.166 
17. Professor Layton and the Curious Village – DS – 765.758 
18. Crisis Core : Final Fantasy VII – PSP – 735.939 
19. Super Mario Galaxy – Wii - 747.684 
20. Gym des yeux – DS – 729.313 
21. Orochi Warriors – Playstation 2 – 649.570 
22. Adult Common Knowledge Training DS - DS – 622.338 – (1.538.618) 
23. Professor Layton and the Pandora Box – DS – 615.338
24. More English Training DS - DS – 615.338 
25. Entraînement Cérébral du Dr. Kawashima - DS – 607.441 – (3.609.898) 
26. Winning Eleven 2008 – Playstation 2 – 504.024 
27. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings – DS – 524.009 
28. English Training - DS – 521.419 – (2.051.037) 
29. Apollo Justice : Ace Attorney – DS – 515.417 
30. Super Paper Mario – Wii - 499.639 
31. Dragon Quest Swords - Wii – 486.222 
32. Final Fantasy IV – DS – 447.087 
33. Super Robot Taisen OG - Playstation 2 – 435.411 
34. Itadaki Street DS - DS – 413.537 
35. Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas – Playstation 2 - 412.100 
36. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : Ring of Fates – DS – 389.845 
37. Megaman Star Force - DS – 374.504 – (593.675) 
38. Everybody’s Golf 5 – Playstation 3 - 372.895 
39. My Household Budget Diary - DS – 369.459 
40. Mojipittan DS - DS – 364.198 
41. Mario & Sonic aux Jeux Olympiques – Wii – 363.101 
42. Kirby Squeak Squad - DS – 362.124 – (1.060.257) 
43. Tokoton Kanji Nou - DS – 350.531 – (571.715) 
44. Wario Ware Smooth Moves – Wii - 348.485 – (545.251) 
45. SD Gundam G Generation Spirits – Playstation 2 – 343.807 
46. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix + - Playstation 2 - 337.091 
47. Momotaro Densetsu - DS – 334.044 
48. Dynasty Warriors 6 – Playstation 3 – 332.168 
49. Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 – DS – 306.176 
50. Dynasty Warriors : Gundam – Playstation 3 – 306.114 
51. Samurai Warriors 2 Xtreme Legends – Playstation 2 – 304.348 
52. Harvest Moon : Island of Happiness - DS – 304.348 
53. Final Fantasy Tactics : The War of Lions – PSP – 301.796 
54. Nintendogs – DS - 300.505 – (supérieur à 1.700.000) 
55. Powerful Pro Baseball 14 - Playstation 2 – 300.007 
56. J League Winning Eleven 2007 - Playstation 2 – 298.255 
57. Wario : Master of Disguise – DS – 289.872 
58. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 – DS – 287.871 
59. Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 – Playstation 2 – 282.658 
60. Kanji Training DS - DS – 281.456 – (621.885) 
61. Taiko Drum Master DS - DS – 278.998 
62. Super Robot Wars W DS - DS – 278.027 
63. Picross DS – DS – 266.641 
64. SD Gundam G Generations Cross Drive - DS – 263.076 
65. Cérébrale Académie – Wii – 261.161 
66. Love & Berry DS Collection - DS – 260.935 – (1.039.669) 
67. The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess – Wii – 260.819 – (546.093) 
68. Tetris DS – DS – 246.815 – (1.232.061) 
69. Math Training - DS – 246.499 – (308.595) 
70. Jump Ultimate Stars – DS – 240.971 – (789.445) 
71. Winning Eleven 2008 – Playstation 3 – 239.347 
72. Another Century Episode 3 - Playstation 2 – 237.041 
73. DS Recipe Collection - DS – 236.205 
74. Megaman Star Force - DS – 225.221 
75. Oendan 2 – DS - 218.248 
76. Hotel Dusk – DS – 212.712 
77. Resident Evil : Umbrella Chronicles – Wii – 212.417 
78. Gundam Battle Chronicles - PSP – 209.891 
79. Yakuza (édition The Best) – Playstation 2 – 208.061 – (484.199) 
80. Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops + - PSP – 206.365 
81. Tamagotchi – DS – 204.744 
82. Puyo Puyo DS – DS – 202.061 – (267.995) 
83. Pokémon Battle Revolution – Wii – 201.919 – (332.892) 
84. TOEIC Test DS Training - DS – 199.793 
85. Super Robot Wars OG Gaiden - Playstation 2 – 198.539 
86. Pro Baseball Spirits 4 - Playstation 2 – 196.981 
87. Sim City DS – DS – 193.826 
88. The World Ends With You – DS – 192.955 
89. IQ Suppli DS - DS – 185.428 – (258.476) 
90. DS Cooking Navi - DS – 185.239 – (876.246) 
91. Digimon Story Dawn/Dusk - DS – 185.110 
92. Fate/Stay Night - Playstation 2- 184,558 
93. DK Jungle Climber - DS - 179,452 
94. Tales of Innocence DS – DS - 178,399 
95. Devil King 2 Heroes – Playstation 2 - 176,562 
96. The Board of Education DS - DS - 176,273 - (226,124) 
97. Let’s Make A J-League Pro Soccer Club 5 - Playstation 2 - 174,906 
98. Fire Emblem Goddess of Dawn – Wii - 171,924 
99. Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations (édition Best Price) – DS - 170,826 
100. .hack//G.U. Vol. 3 - Playsation 2 - 168,562

Total titres par console :

1. Nintendo DS – 59 titres
2. Playstation 2 – 18 titres
3. Wii – 14 titres
4. PSP – 5 titres
5. Playstation 3 - 4 titres
6. Xbox 360 – 0 titre

Total software 2007 par console :

1. Nintendo DS – 27.098.137 jeux vendus
2. Wii – 8.824.475 jeux vendus
3. Playstation 2 – 5.412.381 jeux vendus
4. PSP – 2.943.889 jeux vendus
5. Playstation 3 – 1.250.524 jeux vendus

Source : Famitsu / Enterbrain


Je sens quand meme que MGS4, prevu pour le 12 juin dans plethore de version (et aussi dans des packs) va peut etre changer la donne...
"Honey badger don't care"

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1797
La Wii se fait rétamer, que dis-je... Sodomiser par une console portable!

Et BIM!!!


Edit Sentinel: Balises spoiler non nécessaire :nono:
Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution.
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Working Men of All Countries, Unite!
-Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)-

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1798
Ce qui n'a rien d'étonnant (que ce soit comparé à la Wii, la 360, la PS3 ou tout autre console potentielle du moment).

C'était pareil avec la GameBoy en son temps (bien plus vendu que la SNES qui se vendait comme des petits pains à l'époque) si je ne dis pas de bétises.

Et ça a été pareil, toujours de mémoire, avec ses déclinaisons (GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, GameBoy Advance SP, etc...) à l'époque de la PS1/Saturn/N64.

(La GB a toujours été l'une des consoles les plus vendus, en grande partie au tout début grâce à Tetris).

Et la DS a en gros un succès plus ou moins similaire à ce qu'a eu la GameBoy en son temps (même si tout est relatif)

Par contre, j'ai lu que ça commençait à stagner un peu niveau vente pour la DS (ce qui aussi logique, une fois que tous les intéressés en ont une, il ny a plus grand chose à faire pour en vendre encore des tas dans les mois qui suivent, à part sortir de nouvelles versions).

Re: Sony, moutons, Nintendo et chiens, c'est la guerre !

Reply #1799
Non mais là, Triple 9 tente de nous prouver par l'image que la Wii est techniquement morniflée par la PSP...

(Ce que je n'avais au départ pas saisi vu que le screenshot ne s'affichait pas.)
It's one thing to fuck with me, another to fuck ex-girlfriend who hates me.

Eh, t'es un œuf ou une couille ?
- T'es con, j'suis un kiwi !