« Heroes


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 8 807
Re: 24
« Réponse #105, le 10 Mai 2007 à 20:37 »
La putain d'ta mère !!!!

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Milo  :pleure:, Audrey  :pleure: ,je hais son putain de père !!! Et l'ami Curtis l'est bien mort ? Bon pourquoi papa Bauer veut Josh ? il veut faire chanter c't'enfoiré !!!

Je pense aussi que Morris va y passer, en sauvant Cloé....  :pleure:


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 2 333
Re: 24
« Réponse #106, le 10 Mai 2007 à 20:51 »
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Curtis, oui, mort.
Milo, pareil.
Logan, surement pas.

Sinon, j'ai du Spoiler sur les personnages qui vont mourir, môa, môssieur... :shifty:


  • Waffou
  • Meilleur sosie de Claude
  • Messages: 1 197
Re: 24
« Réponse #107, le 10 Mai 2007 à 23:20 »
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Qu'est-ce qu'ils attendent pour nous donner des nouvelles de Logan, on l'a vu dans un état critique et puis plus rien depuis une série d'épisodes, je m'impatiente là :w00t2:
Un coeur qui bat, un nez qui flaire, une décision qui tombe... C'est Bernard Frédéric :yes:


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 8 807
Re: 24
« Réponse #108, le 16 Mai 2007 à 13:28 »
Hummmm 6x22  :w00t2:

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Bon Jack est comme toujours le plus fort, je suis content que Morris est fait part de l'assaut !

Sinon ce con de Jack, il pouvait pas tirer deux balles dans chauqe genoux de Cheng bordel !!! Et M. Vice Président on voit qu'il n'a pas la carrure pour diriger le pays, je me demande vraiment comment ça va finir avec Papy Bauer qui fait sa résistance, et qui disons le fait chier tout le monde :o

J'ai l'impressions que les 23 et 24 vont être diffusés Lundi non ?  :unsure:

trailer >

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Billllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll  :w00t2: :w00t2: :w00t2:


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 2 333
Re: 24
« Réponse #109, le 16 Mai 2007 à 15:38 »
Bah, bien sûr qu'ils vont être diffusés lundi, les 23 et 24... :harhar:
A chaque fois, les deux dernieres heures sont diffusés en même temps. ;)


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 8 807
Re: 24
« Réponse #110, le 16 Mai 2007 à 15:47 »
trop bon ça !!!!  :mario:


  • Waffou
  • Meilleur sosie de Claude
  • Messages: 1 197
Re: 24
« Réponse #111, le 16 Mai 2007 à 16:54 »
Miam :w00t2:

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Ca met en appétit pour le season finale :yes:

Morris qui joue au héros, j'aime bien :yaisse:. Nadia qui se rattrape puis est sauvée par Doyle, j'aime bien aussi :yaisse:.

Je sens que Jack va se la jouer petit soldat dans les deux derniers pour récupérer le composant et Josh, et accessoirement botter les fesses de son père :sweatdrop:

Vivement la semaine prochaine :yahou:
Un coeur qui bat, un nez qui flaire, une décision qui tombe... C'est Bernard Frédéric :yes:


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 2 333
Re: 24
« Réponse #112, le 16 Mai 2007 à 17:09 »
Sympa, l'episode, surtout la premiere partie avec le coté de Jack et le coté de la pouffe du président. J'ai trouvé la seconde partie moins bonne, cependant...

Le plus interessant est, tout de même, le Trailer:

(cliquez pour montrer/cacher)
Bon, bah, quand je vois, Chloé à terre, je me dis que les Spoilers que j'ai lu étaient vrais, en fin de compte... :sweatdrop:

Bon, sinon, je vais me faire des ennemis (surtout Tinou, en fait...) mais: Oh non ! Bill est de retour ! :pleure:

Aucun rapport mais la Team Jack/Doyle est enorme. Si Tony revient, j'ai hâte de voir un Jack/Tony/Doyle dans la Saison 7 ! :yaisse:


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 8 807
Re: 24
« Réponse #113, le 17 Mai 2007 à 15:14 »
L'est vrai que la seconde partie est plutot chiante. Mais le début et la toute fin, un régal !!!


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 7 378
Re: 24
« Réponse #114, le 17 Mai 2007 à 16:13 »Modifié le 17 Mai 2007 à 16:25 par tinou
Enorme, grandiose episode que ce 6*22!!!!

Mais oui mais oui!!!

(cliquez pour montrer/cacher)
Deja de la tres grande classe Bauerienne : l'assaut contre les chinois, avec Morris dans le lot!!!  :w00t2: :w00t2:

Ensuite moment poignant ou Josh telephone a sa mere pour lui dire qu'il va bien, qu'Uncle Jack lui a sauve la vie... la camera vient sur Jack Bauer en train de parler boulot avec un agent, nonchalant.... LA MEGA CLASSE!!!  :classe:

Je retrouve enfin le "Jack qui maitrise" la situation, comme lors de l'assaut pour delivrer Heller dans la saison 4, ou tant d'autres moments 24iens...

Uncle Bauer va surement devenir 'pa Bauer...

Doyle a aussi un peu de classe quand il vient reconforter sa pitite Nadia choupinette!

Et on a eu une petite minute emotion pour Milo  :bye:

Bon sinon la menace se recentre sur Philip Bauer, les Chinois semblent hors course, mais Cheng is still alive...

Les derniers episodes vont etre explosifs!

Par contre vis a vis de :

(cliquez pour montrer/cacher)
du trailer montrant Billou... J'ai bien peur qu'il ne s'agisse que d'une image du premier episode de la saison.... non? :unsure:

Dommage.... I want my BILLOU back in place! :scrogneugneu:
"Honey badger don't care"


  • Waffou
  • Meilleur sosie de Claude
  • Messages: 1 197
Re: 24
« Réponse #115, le 17 Mai 2007 à 16:55 »
(cliquez pour montrer/cacher)
D'après le trailer, je voyais Bill sur le terrain, ce serait vraiment la classe :mario:
Un coeur qui bat, un nez qui flaire, une décision qui tombe... C'est Bernard Frédéric :yes:


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 2 333
Re: 24
« Réponse #116, le 18 Mai 2007 à 21:34 »
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Oui, oui, le passage où on voit Bill est tiré du dernier epsode,  c'est certain ! :yaisse:

: Jeudi 17 Mai, 17:05:24
Citation de http://www.24-fr.com
La saison 7 de "24 heures chrono" réinventée ?

Assurée de revenir l'an prochain, la série pourrait connaître quelques changements majeurs. L'équipe travaillerait sur un moyen de renouveler complètement le show...

Le network Fox a confirmé officiellement cette semaine que sa série en temps réel 24 sera de retour à l'antenne pour au moins deux saisons. Comme d'habitude, le show reviendra à l'écran à la mi-saison pour une diffusion sans interruption de janvier à mai, en conservant sa case horaire du lundi à 21h (voir article).

Alors que la 6ème saison s'achèvera sur la Fox ce lundi 21 mai par un final explosif de deux heures, l'équipe créative pense déjà à la nouvelle saison qui débutera en janvier 2008. Eric Balfour, l'interprète de l'agent de la CAT Milo Pressman dans 24, a laissé entendre qu'une "transition capitale" allait être opérée, "quelque chose de totalement nouveau".

Peter Liguori, Président de la chaîne, a ajouté : "Ce sera un changement significatif pour la série. Evidemment, je ne peux pas vous donner de détails, mais je suis très excité. Joel (Surnow), Bob (Cochran) et Howard (Gordon) sont des scénaristes incroyables. Si le show est déjà le plus audacieux de la télévision, ils vont le rendre encore plus excitant la saison prochaine avec un énorme rebondissement. Ils ont tout mon soutien et je suis sûr, celui de Kiefer (Sutherland) et du public."

De quoi se poser des questions sur les événements à venir...

Source : allocine
Bon, bah, si c'est Eric Baffour qui dit ça, on peut supposer qu'il ait été informé pour l'avenir de son personnage dans les futures saisons donc...
Ca veut dire que l'action va se passer dans la CTU du Paradis et Jack devra se battre contre le Diable, Saddam Hussein et tous ses potos, c'est ça le rebondissement ! :yes:


  • Waffou
  • Meilleur sosie de Claude
  • Messages: 1 197
Re: 24
« Réponse #117, le 18 Mai 2007 à 23:30 »
Sauf que
(cliquez pour montrer/cacher)
Je vois mal en quoi ça pourrait concerner Eric Balfour vu que son personnage s'est pris un pruneau dans la tête ^^

Ou alors l'innovation c'est de ressusciter les morts :sweatdrop:
Un coeur qui bat, un nez qui flaire, une décision qui tombe... C'est Bernard Frédéric :yes:


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 8 807
Re: 24
« Réponse #118, le 18 Mai 2007 à 23:32 »
Citation de Bernard_Frederic le 18 Mai 2007 à 23:30
Sauf que
(cliquez pour montrer/cacher)
Je vois mal en quoi ça pourrait concerner Eric Balfour vu que son personnage s'est pris un pruneau dans la tête ^^

Ou alors l'innovation c'est de ressusciter les morts :sweatdrop:
+1000 L'est con c'battos  :mdr:


  • Waffou
  • Messages: 2 333
Re: 24
« Réponse #119, le 19 Mai 2007 à 11:21 »
Non, mais je plaisantais, hein ! :mrgreen:
: Vendredi 18 Mai, 23:46:09
Trois choix = Une vraie fin de Saison 6 et deux Fakes ! :coucou:

(cliquez pour montrer/cacher)
Choice # 1

Jack drops off of the helicopter (on purpose) and Buchanan knows not to go look for Jack and that if he ever wants to be found he will be.

Later, Jack arrives at a house on the beach. The owner of this house is simply James Heller. Jack has Heller at gun point and it's almost as if he wants Heller to apologize for what he said about Jack being cursed and all of the people around him dying. Jack didn't want Audrey to come and look for him and also feels that Heller didn't use any of his political power to try and get Jack out of China. Jack thinks Heller wanted him to rot and die in China because Audrey would have been safer if Jack was dead. Heller can't argue and he knows Jack is right. Jack believes that there is something between him and Audrey and that Heller can't stop them from loving each other. Jack says he will just disappear because he is good at it and if Heller sends people to find him, Jack will kill them because he is pretty good at that too. Heller then takes Jack to Audrey who is in a coma like condition and Jacks speaks to her. Jack tells Audrey that's he's in the crossroads and he doesn't know what to do. Jack knows he needs to let go of Audrey because that's the only way she can be safe. Jack says that it's so difficult because he loves her so much and cares for her but this is something he has to do. Jack tells Audrey that he loves her and that he always will. Audrey never moves and she remains asleep. Jack kisses Audrey on the forehead and says his final goodbye. Jack walks past Heller and outside the house to the edge of a cliff where the house is on. We see Jack looking over the edge, and then we see Jack's face with a look of confusion, and hurt. He doesn't know what to do next and the show ends with Jack on the cliff at the crossroads of his life.


Special Note: Internal rumors of a super secret ending to add onto the above scenes which apparently nobody really knows about which likely means it's bogus but nonetheless should be noted.

Choice # 2

As the helicopter nears CTU, Bill's instruments go haywire. The Chinese don't want Cheng to be interrogated because he knows too much and they would rather he die along with Jack. The helicopter is locked onto and Cheng's men hit it with an RPG. The chopper is going down and it appears a crash is imminent. Cheng is actually happy and is pleased he will be killed as he fears what the U.S. interrogators would have done to him. But Cheng will not have his death and Bill knows his stuff and he's able to maneuver the chopper and he makes a crash landing on CTU. The landing is really rough but everyone is alive. Jack gets out and he takes aim at the Chinese agents on the adjacent building but they are long gone. Jack rushes back to the helicopter and helps Josh get out. Bill secures Cheng and escorts him and Josh inside CTU. Jack stays behind and watches as everyone goes inside. He feels that he almost got Josh killed and he takes it hard. Jack walks to the edge of CTU and he looks down and then looks back towards the door but there's nobody there. There's a close-up shot of Jack as he realizes he's at the crossroads of his life. Jack's cell phone rings but he just grabs the phone and tosses it onto the street below. After a few moments, Jack blinks fast a few times and realizes he still has a life to live. Jack turns around and walks back into CTU. Jack walks through the building unnoticed as everybody is doing their own thing. Josh is with Marilyn and she's smiling and kissing Josh on top of the head. Jack looks up and sees Bill in his office bandaging up the wound on his head and talking to Karen on the speakerphone. Jack looks over and sees Morris with Chloe and Morris has his hand on her belly and Jack smiles as if he knows Chloe is pregnant. Jack walks out of CTU and the Counter Terrorist Unit is a closed chapter in Jack's life. Jack is cleared by security and he walks outside of the CTU gate and onto the public street.

There's a quick scene back at CTU but I don't have full details on it and it appears to be filler. It looks like Vice President Daniels calls to speak with Jack but nobody knows where Jack is and Bill tells Chloe that if Jack wants to be found he will be. Heller is also still at CTU and he tells Bill that he would like to speak to the Chinese intelligence officer that they captured. A scene here that was written but never shot was Heller grabbing Cheng by the throat and telling him how much fun he's going to have with him.

Back out on the public street, Jack is still walking. A man on a motorcycle appears and he's driving towards Jack. Jack is cautious and he puts his hand on his gun but nothing happens and Jack realizes that he doesn't have to run anymore, the motorcycle man was nobody. Jack walks into an alleyway and he rests against the wall as he takes the day in and realizes that everything is over.

But everything is far from over.

As Jack turns the corner of the alleyway he's hit in the head and he crashes to the ground in a semi-conscious state. A big black SUV pulls up and a woman gets out and helps the other man put Jack in the back seat. The SUV peels out and Jack is still hurting and in and out of consciousness. His blurry eyes look over to the right and his eyes adjust to reveal a man sitting next to him. Jack's eyes adjust to reveal a smiling President Charles Logan. Logan appears to be favoring his shoulder but he's in pretty good shape. Logan tells Jack that there's a lot he has to tell him and he needs to know that Jack won't try anything stupid after he shows him something. Then Logan tells a brief story about being the head of some energy corporation a while back and talks about Jack in Mexico five years ago and he mentions that Jack ruined his plans there. The woman driver tells Logan that they are not being followed and that nobody is exactly in a hurry to look for Jack. The woman turns around and the look on Jack's face registers as pure shock. IT'S NINA MYERS. Jack is furious and confused but Logan explains this in a way in which I still don't understand. Logan says that Jack killed "one of his girls" as she attempted to break out of CTU but that women wasn't the operative Jack knew as Nina Myers. Logan shows Jack a photo of Logan in his 30's and he's in some sort of overseas village at a house on a cliff over looking the ocean and he's with two young twin sisters who appear to be around seven or eight years old.

The season ends with Logan mentioning some sort of anti-terrorist organization and that Jack's father was among the founding members and that now that both Phillip and Graham are dead they will need another Bauer to step up and assume the duties of keeping the world safe. The show ends with Logan telling Jack how much his country needs him and the final shot is of a confused Jack unsure of what to think and unsure of what's to come.


Special Note: Internal rumors of a super secret ending to add onto the above scenes which apparently nobody really knows about which likely means it's bogus but nonetheless should be noted.

Choice # 3

Jack drops off of the helicopter (on purpose) and Buchanan knows not to go look for Jack and that if he ever wants to be found he will be.

Jack makes it to the shore and sits and looks off into the ocean. There's complete silence as Jack ponders where his life goes from here, he's at the crossroads of his life. Then out of the silence we hear a faint sound. As the sound grows closer we realize it's a helicopter. Jack looks behind him at a house on a cliff and a piercing white light focuses in on him as the helicopter descends down and lands on the beach. Jack takes out his gun and he thinks it's CTU to come and detain him but it's not. A heavily armed special forces unit pours out and they make Jack drop his gun. Jack complies and the men put a blindfold over Jack's head and take him inside the helicopter. The soldiers place Jack next to their leader who remains unseen as he's talking on a cell phone which obscures his identity. The man on the phone hangs up and we go to complete darkness as we are now watching from Jack's perspective. Then we hear the voice. I'm paraphrasing and it went something like; "I'm going to remove your blindfold Jack, but you need to understand something first. There are people within our government who want change. Two years ago I was part of that change and I payed a steep price for my patriotism... That price {Jack's blindfold is removed} ..... was my wife"... Jack's eyes adjust to reveal Tony Almeida. Jack simply replies with "Tony" as the look on his face registers as pure shock. We are left to believe that Chris Henderson recruited Tony well before day 5 and that Tony's alleged death was nothing more than an elaborate hoax so that he could continue whatever work Henderson's group has plans for. I guess we're supposed to believe that Tony is recruiting Jack and this will lead us into the drastic season 7 change.


Special Note: Internal rumors of a super secret ending to add onto the above scenes which apparently nobody really knows about which likely means it's bogus but nonetheless should be noted
Faites que ce soit la choix N°3 (le second choix ne me déplairait pas non plus, mais ce serait trop gros avec l'histoire de la Soeur Jumelle de Nina... :unsure:) ! :pleure:

« Heroes