Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....


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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #496, le 26 Septembre 2007 à 17:51 »
Bobo de droite, mais j'ai répondu à la moitié des questions par défaut, aucune réponse ne me convenait.

D'toute façon, je ne suis PAS bobo  :harhar:


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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #498, le 26 Septembre 2007 à 18:47 »
Jazz picked his sports car form because it’s the epitome of style. If there’s one thing he digs about Earth, it’s human culture.

Like Jazz, you are good by nature. But beware because mischievous thoughts sometimes tempt you. You want to be a leader and show some promise, but you have much to learn. In addition, you enjoy technology and are aware of the latest trends, but you stick with what works for you.
Ca me parait pas mal... A part pour le "vouloir etre leader". Je deteste devoir travailler en equipe (ou alors, je fais bande a part). :D

Et Bobo branche... Bof quoi. J'suis pas vraiment au courant des derniers sorties... :sweatdrop:


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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #499, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 13:22 »
What Language Should You Learn?

You Should Learn Swedish

Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.
Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!

What's Your Religious Philosophy?

You are an Atheist

What's Your Religious Philosophy?
When it comes to religion, you're a non-believer (simple as that).
You prefer to think about what's known and proven.
You don't need religion to solve life's problems.
Instead, you tend to work things out with logic and philosophy.

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 13:17:41
How Do You Live Your Life?

How You Life Your Life

You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You're open to new people and friends, which makes you a pretty popular person.
You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 13:19:41
How Weird Are You?

You Are 30% Weird

Not enough to scare other people...
But sometimes you scare yourself.


  • Dilettante
  • Waffou
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"Je suis un intoxiqué.
- Intoxiqué de quoi ?
- De la vie. Je m'y suis adonné tout petit et je ne peux plus m'en passer."

T. Pratchett, Sourcellerie, Les Annales du Disque-Monde, livre V.


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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #501, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 13:32 »
Citation de le 28 Septembre 2007 à 13:30
You Are 70% Weird

You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!


A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
Your IQ Is 130

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Genius


  • Waffou
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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #502, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 13:42 »
You Should Learn Swedish

Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.
Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!

You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

How You Life Your Life

You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good.
You say whatever is on your mind. Other people's reactions don't phase you.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.

You are a Self-Discoverer

You're not religious, but you've created your own kind of spirituality.
Introspective and thoughtful, you tend to look inward for the divine.
You are distrusting of all forms of organized religion.
You especially dislike religious gurus and leaders, who you feel are charlatans.

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 13:34:27
Your IQ Is 105

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Average

"Genius" en maths, on aura tout vu  :mdr:
Si ça ne marche pas comme vous voulez, plaignez-vous jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez satisfaction :o


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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #503, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 14:00 »

What Age Do You Act?

You Are 23 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 13:47:50
Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test?

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 7 out of 10 correct!

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 13:53:45
How Machiavellian Are You?

You Are Somewhat Machiavellian

You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!


  • Waffou
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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #504, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 14:01 »
Citation de KiaN le 28 Septembre 2007 à 13:53
What Age Do You Act?
Nan mé c'est quoi ce test tout poorÿ? :o

You Are 16 Years Old

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.


How angry are you?

You Are 70% Angry

You're a pretty angry person, although you might not describe yourself that way.
But if you think about it, you probably feel annoyed, frustrated, and disappointed often.
All of the emotions above are classic signs of anger.
And if these angry feelings are controlling your life, you may need help.

Si ça ne marche pas comme vous voulez, plaignez-vous jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez satisfaction :o


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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #505, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 14:09 »

The Three Dimension Luck and Power Test

You Are Internal - Skeptic - Empowered

You feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.

You are a total skeptic when it comes to luck.
You believe that people use luck as a crutch to avoid responsibility.
You control your own destiny. The universe has nothing to do with it.
You believe everything can be explained - and you tend to over analyze situations.

You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.
You realize that working the system does get you further.
You know who to defer to and who to control.
When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 14:05:27
How Angry Are You?

You Are 12% Angry

You're so laid back, no one could ever accuse you of getting angry.
While there are a few little things that may annoy you, you generally play it cool.
In fact, your calm attitude tends to provoke people with anger problems.
They may think you're screwing with them, but that's just the way you are!

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 14:07:35
What Kind of Drunk Are You?

You're a Wild Drunk

You can't get enough drink. Seriously, you'll just go puke and start pounding them back again!


  • Waffou
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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #506, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 14:10 »
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian

You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!

You Failed the US Citizenship Test

Oops, you only got 6 out of 10 right!

Supayr, 'you failed' alors que j'ai plus de la moitié des réponses de bonnes :kaola:  :wacko:

Si ça ne marche pas comme vous voulez, plaignez-vous jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez satisfaction :o


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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #507, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 14:30 »

What Temperment Are You?

You Have a Choleric Temperament

You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.
Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.
You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.

You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.
Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.
You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.

At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.
Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.
A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior.

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 14:20:33
How Evil Are You?

You Are 54% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 14:29:00
What European City Do You Belong In?

You Belong in Paris

You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.
You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe.

Il me sort Paris, c'est énorme  :mdr:


  • Dilettante
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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #508, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 14:32 »
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian

You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!

Wild Drunk bien sur.

Choleric Temperament.

En gros, tout comme Kianouch en fait...
"Je suis un intoxiqué.
- Intoxiqué de quoi ?
- De la vie. Je m'y suis adonné tout petit et je ne peux plus m'en passer."

T. Pratchett, Sourcellerie, Les Annales du Disque-Monde, livre V.


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Re: Mais qui sommes nous ? Tests en tout genre....
« Réponse #509, le 28 Septembre 2007 à 14:44 »

How Selfish Are You?

You Are 73% Selfish

You put your own needs first, figuring if you don't take care of yourself, who will?
While this is a good philosophy to have, it wouldn't hurt you to be a tad more giving.

Hmm...  :peur:
Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 14:35:16
How Powerful Are You?

Your Power Level is: 64%

You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.
Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals.

Je me fais vraiment chier...
Posted on: Friday 28 September 2007, 14:37:12
Do You Have a Type A Personality?

You Have A Type A- Personality

You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds