Normal que mes scores s'inscrivent pas ? (A la limite on s'en fout, mais si c'est un bug, c'est toujours bien de les reporter)
Exemple :

Note : J'utilise l'ancien template, ça joue peut-être ?
Posted on: Monday 22 May, 01:49:21
Même bug avec le nouveau template, mais j'ai ça en plus sur le nouveau template en haut (que je n'ai pas avec l'ancien) :
echo ''; if($first == true) echo ''; echo '',$user_profile[$tmp['member']]['realName'],'',$tmp['cnt'],''; echo ''; $first = false; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''.$txt['arcade_char'].'
'; $first = true; foreach ($context['arcade']['top']['cha2'] as $tmp) { echo ' '; if($first == true) echo ' '; echo ' ',$user_profile[$tmp['member']]['realName'],' ',$tmp['cnt'],' '; echo '
'; $first = false; } echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''.$txt['arcade_longest'].'
'; $first = true; foreach ($context['arcade']['top']['long'] as $tmp) { echo ' '; if($first == true) echo ' '; if(isset($user_profile[$tmp['champion_member']]['realName'])) echo ' ',$user_profile[$tmp['champion_member']]['realName'],' ',$tmp['name'],' ',$tmp['cnt'],' '; else echo ' ',$txt['arcade_guest'],' ',$tmp['name'],' ',$tmp['cnt'],' '; echo '
'; $first = false; } echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; // JO echo ''; } function template_arcade_below() { global $context, $scripturl, $txt; // global $settings, $options, $modSettings,$user_info echo ' Powered by a Highly Modified version of SMF Arcade ',$context['arcade']['version'],' © Niko Pahajoki 2004-2005 - All modifications by Eric...ErIcSwOrLd Traduction FR by Domipedro ',($context['arcade']['menu']['side'] == 1) ? ArcadeMenu() : '',''; } function template_apopup() { global $boardurl, $txt, $scripturl, $db_prefix; global $ID_MEMBER, $settings; global $context, $user_info, $db_prefix, $modSettings; // Since this is a popup of its own we need to start the html, etc. echo '
', $context['arcade']['popup']['content'], '
', $txt['arcade_close'], '
'; } function template_flashout() { global $boardurl, $txt, $scripturl, $db_prefix; global $ID_MEMBER, $settings; global $context, $user_info, $db_prefix, $modSettings; echo $context['arcade']['flashvars']; } // Show the menu up top. function arctab_menu() { global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt; // Work out where we currently are. $current_action = 'game_list'; if (in_array($context['sub_template'], array('top', 'tourney', 'challenge', 'game_list'))) $current_action = $context['sub_template']; $first = 'first'; $last = 'last'; // Show the start of the tab section. echo ' '; echo ($current_action == 'game_list' ) ? ' ' : '' , ' Arcade Home ' , $current_action == 'game_list' ? ' ' : ''; echo ($current_action == 'challenge' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? ' ' : '' , ' ',$txt['arcade_challenges'],' ' , $current_action == 'challenge' ? ' ' : ''; echo ($current_action == 'tourney' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? ' ' : '' , ' ',$txt['arcade_tournaments'],' ' , $current_action == 'tourney' ? ' ' : ''; echo ($current_action == 'top' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? ' ' : '' , ' ',$txt['arcade_stats'],' ' , $current_action == 'top' ? ' ' : ''; if ($context['allow_arcade_admin']) { echo ' Admin '; } // The end of tab section. echo '
Diagnostic, IE ?
Posted on: Monday 22 May, 02:27:17
C'est bien IE, ça fonctionne sans problèmes avec opera