SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)


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Re: SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)
« Réponse #481, le 23 Mai 2010 à 23:32 »
Logiquement, mon main character, c'est "Mai", mais comme elle n'était pas dans le 12  :sweatdrop: (mais tant mieux, ils l'ont rajouté dans le 13 !)

Mon équipe type dans les KOF, c'est : "Kyo, Kim, Mai".

Sinon, d'autres que je prends souvent : Billy Kane (lorsqu'il y est), Ryo, Iori, Terry.


  • Waffou
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  • Papaya Mango
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Stupid snake ! You won't be having Jesus Christ Lizard today, will you ? Shame on you ! :o


  • Waffou
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Re: SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)
« Réponse #484, le 13 Juillet 2010 à 06:05 »
S'il y a des gens toujours intéressé par Garou MOTW, je signale ici quelques vidéos d'un Howard Arena qui valent vraiment le coup d'oeil :

Du Terry en mode feinte-cancel, du Rock en mode full-just defended, du Kain en mode Schwarze Panzer-break, guard crush :

Du très bon Kain en mode guard crush de psycho-malade, un énorme Kevin, une B.Jenet qui aurait pu :
"Honey badger don't care"


  • Papaya Mango
  • Waffou
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Stupid snake ! You won't be having Jesus Christ Lizard today, will you ? Shame on you ! :o


  • Waffou
  • What lies behind the mask...
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Re: SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)
« Réponse #486, le 14 Juillet 2010 à 22:35 »
Alors en fait... (gros spoiler sur la fin du jeu et l'arc Ash en general!)
Les extraits viennent du Madman's cafe:
(cliquez pour montrer/cacher)
I- Bad Ending Path
The screen switches to Saiki and his minions at that throne-looking location in the trailers, and they're all bowing down to him. They all look worried; the screen zooms to Botan and you can see a streak of sweat running across her face. Saiki is sitting down on his chair, looking a bit pissed.

A conversation like this takes place: "Damn, you guys are useless. We have just about enough energy to open the gate. We're going to have to rewind time. But don't think that this kind of miracle is gonna happen again!"

The scene then changes and Ash is seen in a dark location where there's the red orb from the intermission. Except, the red orb has totally lost its glow. Ash smiles and walks away. The screen fades, and you see "Game Over".

II-Boss Path
After beating the last opponent at Rose Stadium, the screen zooms into the stadium's back monitor where Rose is seen talking. She suddenly freezes in the middle of the conversation, and we find out that... someone has frozen time.

Suddenly, the Ka No Chi cult members all appear in the stadium (you've seen the scene in previous trailers), and by orders from Saiki, they all fly off to different locations to finish off their last task. Well, all of them.. except Mukai.

Mukai is looking pissed (because he lost in KOF2003) and he asks Saiki to give him another chance against the fighters. Saiki, pissed at Mukai, drains the living life out of him and then transforms into his ultimate form, turning into a red being that looks a lot like Magaki from KOFXI, except with more muscles and no pants (he looks like a Magaki with the muscles of SF3's Urien).

The boss battle takes place in the ruins of Rose Stadium; the ground looks like the black hardened aftermath of molten lava.

Saiki's name is written something like 斎己 or 斎忌 in phonetic Kanji letters as we learn from his pre-bout conversations. Again, he looks like a red muscular Magaki, but with something that looks like black tar on his hands. The tar-like substance is pretty much the single weapon he uses in his fight. And sweet cripes, he's probably one of the slowest KOF bosses in history.

Unlike Magaki, Saiki's not too agressive, but it's still pretty hard to beat him. He can get hit at times by the most simplest moves like a foot sweep, but he can also grab you since your foot goes into his throw range. His four main attacks are- a tar projectile that holds you down for additional attacks, a grab that coats you with tar and chips down your life, a projectile counter that returns your fireball as the aformentioned tar, and a full-screen multihit attack like Orochi's, except the screen turns black with tar, not white. He moves very slow, but he has a teleport so you can't corner him.

Someone on 2ch beat the game with the Liz team and had the following to report. Note that KOFXIII has to be played though multiple teams to figure out the whole story.

After beating Saiki, the "gate" which was supposed to open from all the energy collected during the tourament starts closing, much to Saiki's surprise. A few of his minions have apparently been defeated before completing their jobs. Saiki and Botan are stunned, and Ash takes advantage of the situation to grab Saiki's energy out of him, saying that the Ka No Chi members should perish, "just as according to history". However, Ash gets possesed by Saiki instead, because his body for some reason "suits well". The energy emmited from the fusion is so strong that it blasts away the nearby Botan.

Though Dark Ash is beaten, the gate is still a bit opened. Saiki screams for his life, saying that they can keep on trying over and over again by passing though the gate and traveling through time. But Ash stands in the way and the gate closes. Telling Liz that he was planning to do things more smartly, Ash fades away. It turns out that Saiki is his ancestor, so Ash wiped out his own existance by stopping him.

Time starts to move again, and Rose finishes her closing ceremony speech. Sheng and Duolong remain in the stadium even after closing. Liz finds herself inbetween her two team members. A tear of drop falls from her face. The only thing remaining is Ash's hairband.

Credit roll.

Et tout le monde continue d'esperer un autre boss cache. PITIE... PITIE!!! La famille Bernstein, nom de nom!!!


  • Papaya Mango
  • Waffou
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Re: SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)
« Réponse #487, le 14 Juillet 2010 à 23:01 »
Etant donné qu'ils n'ont pas pu faire d'avantage que décalquer Ash à deux reprises pour en faire deux boss... ça m'étonnerait qu'on ait droit à d'avantage, sauf surprises pour la version console qui n'a pas encore été annoncée. (sans aller chercher le festival de XI, ils ont quand même pu nous sortir Mature et Liz' du chapeau pour XII).
Par contre Adel' aperçu en cameo dans la fin de la team K'.
Stupid snake ! You won't be having Jesus Christ Lizard today, will you ? Shame on you ! :o


  • Waffou
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  • Papaya Mango
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Re: SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)
« Réponse #489, le 15 Juillet 2010 à 19:05 »

Sinon à ce que j'ai lu SNKP semble s'être laissé aller à des aspects "alternatifs" de certains persos. Du style Raiden sans masque, Takuma avec son masque de Mr Karate, Andy avec un masque, Yuri qui retrouve sa tresse... je ne sais pas si ça concerne tous les persos (genre Terry avec sa tenue Mark of the Wolves, ils ne peuvent quand même pas passé à côté), mais ils se sont fait plaiz'. A défaut d'Adel, Oswald ou Mary dans le casting.
Stupid snake ! You won't be having Jesus Christ Lizard today, will you ? Shame on you ! :o


  • Waffou
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Re: SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)
« Réponse #490, le 17 Juillet 2010 à 11:36 »
Malgre la clim tres fraiche, il y avait beaucoup trop de monde cet apres-midi, et je n'ai pas pu glisser une petite piecette pour tester ce jeu qui, pour le peu que j'en ai vu, va certainement me faire remettre serieusement a KOF.

J'ai l'impression que c'est encore mieux anime (legerement) que le XII.

Mais alors, ces ecrans 16/9 rendent vraiment les personnages minuscules... Apres SFIV, c'est dur.
"Honey badger don't care"


  • Waffou
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"Honey badger don't care"


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  • Waffou
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Re: SNK, "Les légendes ne meurent jamais ..." (KoF, Samurai Spirits etc)
« Réponse #494, le 16 Août 2010 à 09:32 »
Personne ne joue Vice en tournoi, parce qu'elle freeze le jeu, la malheureuse...
Par contre, l'infinite de Mature (Death Row qui juggle a l'infini dans le coin ET QUI REMPLIT LA JAUGE!) est autorise. :peur: Faut-il en conclure qu'elle ne sert a rien SANS ce bug?
Idem, Goro et quelques autres peuvent utiliser leurs coups EX sans jauge de fury.
Et pour le moment, les persos tout en haut de la chaine alimentaire sont, de memoire: K', Iori, Mature (elle, a cause de son bug). Takuma est bien fort aussi. Et Raiden a un petit combo pas bien dur qui enleve 80% de jauge (3 fois le meme coup, en dokodemo cancel).
Breeef. Esperons qu'ils vont avoir corrige tout ca pour la version console.